#!/bin/bash SNAP_BASE="/mnt/data_ext/unifi-os/unifi-protect/video/snapshot/" # SNAP_BASE="\\NAS-Bluemland\video\UniFi-Snaps" OUT_DIR="$SNAP_BASE/timelapse" DATE_EXT=`date '+%F %H:%M'` declare -A CAMS CAMS["1Baustelle"]="" CAMS["2Baustelle"]="" # CAMS["Driveway"]="" # CAMS["Back Garden"]="" # If we are in a terminal, be verbose. if [[ -z $VERBOSE && -t 1 ]]; then VERBOSE=1 fi log() { if [ ! -z $VERBOSE ]; then echo "$@"; fi } logerr() { echo "$@" 1>&2; } createDir() { if [ ! -d "$1" ]; then mkdir "$1" # check error here fi } getSnap() { snapDir="$SNAP_BASE/$1" if [ ! -d "$snapDir" ]; then mkdir -p "$snapDir" # check error here fi snapFile="$snapDir/$1 - $DATE_EXT.jpg" log savingSnap "$2" to "$snapFile" wget --quiet -O "$snapFile" "$2" } createMovie() { snapDir="$SNAP_BASE/$1" snapTemp="$snapDir/temp-$DATE_EXT" snapFileList="$snapDir/temp-$DATE_EXT/files.list" if [ ! -d "$snapDir" ]; then logedd "Error : No media files in '$snapDir'" exit 2 fi createDir "$snapTemp" if [ "$2" = "today" ]; then log "Creating video of $1 from today's images" ls "$snapDir/"*`date '+%F'`*.jpg | sort > "$snapFileList" elif [ "$2" = "yesterday" ]; then log "Creating video of $1 from yesterday's images" ls "$snapDir/"*`date '+%F' -d "1 day ago"`*.jpg | sort > "$snapFileList" elif [ "$2" = "file" ]; then if [ ! -f "$3" ]; then logerr "ERROR file '$3' not found" exit 1 fi log "Creating video of $1 from images in $3" cp "$3" "$snapFileList" else log "Creating video of $1 from all images" `ls "$snapDir/"*.jpg | sort > "$snapFileList"` fi # need to chance current dir so links work over network mounts cwd=`pwd` cd "$snapTemp" x=1 #for file in $snapSearch; do while IFS= read -r file; do counter=$(printf %06d $x) ln -s "../`basename "$file"`" "./$counter.jpg" x=$(($x+1)) done < "$snapFileList" #done if [ $x -eq 1 ]; then logerr "ERROR no files found" exit 2 fi createDir "$OUT_DIR" outfile="$OUT_DIR/$1 - $DATE_EXT.mp4" ffmpeg -r 15 -start_number 1 -i "$snapTemp/"%06d.jpg -c:v libx264 -preset slow -crf 18 -c:a copy -pix_fmt yuv420p "$outfile" -hide_banner -loglevel panic log "Created $outfile" cd $cwd rm -rf "$snapTemp" } case $1 in savesnap) for ((i = 2; i <= $#; i++ )); do if [ -z "${CAMS[${!i}]}" ]; then logerr "ERROR, can't find camera '${!i}'" else getSnap "${!i}" "${CAMS[${!i}]}" fi done ;; createvideo) createMovie "${2}" "${3}" "${4}" ;; *) logerr "Bad Args use :-" logerr "$0 savesnap \"camera name\"" logerr "$0 createvideo \"camera name\" today" logerr "options (today|yesterday|all|filename)" ;; esac