UniFi Protect Application 1.19.x Final

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  • UniFi Protect Application 1.19.0



    To upgrade to this version of UniFi Protect, you will need one of the following firmware versions (or newer):

    • UDM-Pro 1.10.0
    • UDM-Pro-SE 2.2.4
    • UNVR / UNVR PRO 1.4.9
    • UCK-G2-PLUS 2.1.11


    • Improve smart detections.
    • Show thumbnails for motion and smart events that are still in progress.
    • Show square thumbnails in timelapse.
    • Add more detailed footage missing reason events.
    • Automatically adopt WiFi cameras via auto-link.
    • Web UI: Add user access log to the dashboard.
    • Web UI: Add weekly average motion event graph to the dashboard.
    • Web UI: Add temperature and time format settings.
    • Web UI: Add a new timelapse design.
    • Web UI: Add smart detection setting in the settings page.
    • Web UI: Adjust quality based on available bandwidth.
    • Web UI: Improve event player start-up time.
    • Web UI: Improve Dashboard & Detection page performance.
    • Web UI: Improve timelapse loading and stability.
    • Web UI: Improve downloaded file names.
    • Web UI: Improve filters in the detections page.
    • Web UI: Detection tiles view redesign.
    • Web UI: Device section UX updates.
    • Web UI: Device side panel UX updates.
    • Web UI: Change playback speed control in events player.
    • Web UI: Show buffered video amount for playback players.
    • Web UI: Update device property fonts & colors.
    • Web UI: Reorganize device side panels.
    • WiFi cameras: Improve adoption time for wireless cameras.
    • G4-Dome: audio tuning for enhanced audio loudness.
    • G3-Flex: Improve night mode quality.
    • G3-Instant: Improve WiFi stability.
    • G4-Doorbell: Improve WiFi stability for 2.4GHz.
    • G4-Pro: Improve IQ with HDR low light scenes.
    • G3-Instant / G4-Doorbell: Improve audio quality.
    • Wireless Camera: Add support for PMF (802.11w).


    • Web UI: Add missing offline events in timelapse.
    • Web UI: Fix the issue when displaying the wrong "earliest recording" on the dashboard.
    • Web UI: Fix floodlight icon size in grid view.
    • Web UI: Fix issue, when digital zoom could get stuck.
    • Web UI: Fix time-based recording input.
    • Web UI: Fix device images in the alerts section.
    • Web UI: Fix zone editor position.
    • Web UI: Fix issue with infinitive loading in dashboard recent detections.
    • Web UI: Fix device count in roles page.
    • Web UI: Fix issue where the user interface gets stuck in the"NVR is resetting" screen.
    • Web UI: Fix roles page performance for large deployments.
    • Web UI: Prevent dead end when older browsers are not supporting some APIs.
    • Web UI: Prevent "dead end" when the device doesn't have a mac address.
    • Web UI: Don't allow users to delete all smart detection types.
    • Web UI: Don't show large live views for small deployments.
    • Web UI: Autosave recording-retention setting.
    • Web UI: Event player title bar updates.
    • Web UI: Adjust "Reset filters" position and behavior in the device list.
    • Web UI: Update RTSP form design.
    • Web UI: Remove device and event list actions.
    • Web UI: Remove unnecessary loading animation for snapshots.
    • Web UI: Don't pause Picture-in-picture videos, when the tab is in the background.
    • Web UI: Reset video progress when selecting a new event after a factory reset of UniFi Protect.
    • Fix for camera crash when adopting with older firmware version.
    • Fix issue where the camera could get stuck in updating state.
    • Fix application crash after unmanaging a camera.
    • Fix unknown device showing up for adoption after it was unmanaged.
    • Fix issue where some motion might be missed in thumbnails.
    • Fix auto restore backup loop on UCK-G2-PLUS if SD card inserted.
    • Fix wrong last motion time for UCK-G2-Plus.
    • Fix issue where update events would not end in timelapse.
    • Fix issue where thumbnails could be corrupted for motion detections.
    • Fix missing storage information when the system has an SD card (CloudKey Gen2 Plus).
    • Prevent camera from reaching to WAN IP during adoption.
    • Prevent application shutting down due to invalid WebSocket frame.
    • Do not save motion events when smart detection recording mode is enabled.
    • Security: Fix FragAttacks vulnerabilities.
    • Security: Disclosed security fixes. (see here for more information)

    Additional information

    If you experience any issues with this release, please reach out to our support team at help.ui.com.

  • Ich hab 1x G3 Flex und 2x G3 Instant und das Bild war nie besser als mit der aktuellen Version....

  • Die Bilder sind ja auch soweit gut und auch, da muß ich dir recht geben, besser mit der aktuellen Version.

    Nur ist mir aufgefallen das ab und an bei sehr schnellen Bewegungen das Bild schliert.

    Mal schauen wie es in den nächsten Tagen aussieht.

  • Das Problem hatte ich mit der 1.17 extrem. Nur Pixelsalat. Seit 1.18 ist es besser und mit der 1.19 bisher perfekt. Das Einzige was mir noch nicht so gefällt sind die Vorschaubilder im Dashboard, die waren vor der Final besser.

  • Moin, einen habe ich noch

    Unter Settings/General ist ja der Schalter für "Enable Smart Detection".

    Ok, eingeschaltet, der Hinweis kommt wegen Terms usw. und akzeptiert.

    Desweiteren steht dort das man es in den Einstellungen ändern kann,

    nur ich finde nirgendwo was und auschalten kann man es auch nicht mehr.

  • UniFi Protect Application 1.19.1


    To upgrade to this version of UniFi Protect, you will need one of the following firmware versions (or newer):

    • UDM-Pro 1.10.0
    • UDM-Pro-SE 2.2.4
    • UNVR / UNVR PRO 1.4.9
    • UCK-G2-PLUS 2.1.11


    • Floodlight: Improve the user experience via shortening the response time when changing light settings.
    • Web UI: Add recommendation to use optimal HDD. (applies to UNVR, UNVR-Pro, UDM-Pro, UDM-SE (UDM-Pro-SE) and is visible for console owner accounts)


    • Floodlight: Fix the issue where factory reset might fail.
    • Web UI: Fix issue where snapshots in events have corrupted file names.
    • Web UI: Fix playback controls in timelapse full screen.
    • Web UI: Fix thumbnail size in dashboard graph tooltip.
    • Web UI: Fix issue where some pages would break if the user did not set a timezone.
    • Web UI: Improve taking snapshots.
    • Minor copy adjustments.
    • Fix rare application crash.

    Additional information

    If you experience any issues with this release, please reach out to our support team at help.ui.com.

  • Bei mir hat das Update einwandfrei funktioniert und noch läuft alles :winking_face:

  • Ich hab seit den letzten 2 Versionen das Problem das Geofencing nicht mehr geht..

  • Das komische ist, er erkennt ja auch das ich wo anders bin. Ich erhalte aber keinerlei Benachrichtigungen.

    In der App in Ios ist Geofencing aktiviert und alle Berechtigungen erteilt. Es geht trotzdem nicht. Noch eine Idee?

    Es hat bis vor 2 Updates auch genau so funktioniert.