UniFi Network Application 8.6.5
- Renamed Enhanced Interop to 2.4GHz IoT-Only Mode.
- Fixed an issue where users could configure NetFlow while the adopted Gateway didn't support it.
- Fixed an issue where MAC ACLs didn't function correctly when using any as source or destination.
- Fixed an issue where the Site-to-Site VPN status could be inaccurate on the Viewer page under Insights.
- Fixed the inability to start a packet capture on WAN2.
- Fixed the inability to open Settings in rare cases.
Additional information
- Create a backup before upgrading your UniFi Network Application in the event any issues are encountered.
- See the UniFi Network Server Help Center article for more information on self-hosting a server.
- UniFi Network Application 7.5 and newer requires MongoDB 3.6 and Java 17.
- Version 7.5 till 8.0 supports up to MongoDB 4.4.
- Version 8.1 and newer supports up to MongoDB 7.0.
- UniFi Network Application updates may cause your adopted devices to be re-provisioned.
Download links
UniFi Network Application for Windows
UniFi Network Application for macOS
UniFi Network Application for Debian/Ubuntu
UniFi Network Application for UniFi OS
UniFi Network Native Application for UniFi OS
UniFi Network Application for unsupported Unix/Linux distros *** DIY / Completely unsupported ***