Neu UCK-CK FW Online, aber ACHTUNG! Controller 6.0.45 ist drin, warum nicht gleich der 6.1.71 ?
- Upgrade sudo for CVE-2021-3156.
- Fix issue where no image was showing for UniFi Network 6.x controllers.
Additional information
(Recommended) - Create an up-to-date backup before upgrading your controller in the event any issues are encountered.
Bundled Controller(s)
- UniFi Network 6.0.45.
Please note that the bundled controller may be lower than the latest stable. This doesn't mean that a certain version is any less stable.
Newer controller versions are retained at time of upgrade. This feature previously was exclusive to UCK-G2* devices, but has recently been added to UC-CK. Note that for this to work on UC-CK you need to be upgrading from 1.1.3 or later. If you're upgrading UC-CK from a release earlier than 1.1.3 then you may need to reinstall your previous controller version after the firmware upgrade.