Beiträge von lycra

    Hallo zusammen,

    Ich habe eine UDM Pro und erst seit ein paar Tagen, ggf 1 bis 2 Wochen den WAN Failover eingerichtet.

    Hauptleitung ist DG giga 1000/500

    Failover Telekom 100/40

    Ich werde nun allerdings häufiger benachrichtigt, dass der WAN1 ausfällt und WAN2 einspringt. Siehe Anhang

    Was nicht wundert, bevor ich WAN2 überhaupt aktiviert hatte, habe ich nie eine Benachrichtung erhalten. Kann das sein, das ohne eingerichtetes WAN Failover man auch gar nicht benachrichtigt wird, falls WAN1 nicht mehr aktiv ist?

    Oder sind das Nachrichten, die man vernachlässigen kann weil die einfach nicht stimmen? Kann ich das irgendwo genauer nachschauen, ob tatsächlich keine Verbindung mehr vorhanden war?

    Danke vorab

    UniFi Network Application 6.4.54…c4-4d6f-af1e-707bf017110d


    * This release is currently a Release Candidate.

    • Notification re-work.
    • Real-time traffic updates from Gateway (UDM/UXG).
    • Improve system performance.
    • Improve application latency.


    • Add "Optimize IoT WiFi connectivity" field for WiFi configuration.
    • Add WiFi interference chart.
    • Add WiFi settings to the Hotspot form.
    • Add WPA3 support for UDM Base. (Requires 1.11 or newer UDM FW)
    • Add status section to display options in Topology.
    • Add default firewall rule to allow UniFi Talk traffic. (only when the application is configured)
    • Add local gateway domain name as DNS entry.
    • Add power source options to the USW-Flex property panel.
    • Allow enabling VPN on existing networks.
    • Adjust property panel table column styling.
    • Adjust displaying wired experience.
    • Improve WAN failover notifications.
    • Improve application (startup) stability.
    • Improve dashboard AP dropdown styling for smaller screens.
    • Improve clients table sorting.
    • Disable WiFi Legacy Support if Auto-optimize is enabled.
    • Disable edit for default Switch Ports.
    • Disable WiFi Data Rate settings if Network Auto-Optimize is enabled.
    • Enable multicast block if Auto-optimize is enabled, and there are more than 10 APs assigned to SSID.
    • Clean up daily DPI statistics based on statistics data retention setting.
    • Show correct memory usage values in the device panel.
    • Display device name in forget device modal title.
    • Non-network devices will report pending adoption status.
    • Change Data Rate Control slider color if minimum is selected.
    • Preload Time-Series data from DB to reduce Latency of Dashboard API.
    • Update settings app name and version copy.
    • Update Traffic & Security main page.
    • Update Adopt button and property-panel tabs.
    • Update translations across the Application to match UniFi terminology.
    • Update default DTIM period to 1 for 2.4GHz Radio.
    • Remove "Disable CCK Rates" and "Send beacons at 1Mbps" from minimum rate controls.
    • Remove PoE Detection/Duplex from property side panels.
    • Remove Tags from the application.
    • Hide speed test on WAN2 for USG.
    • Change “Beta” to “UniFi Labs”.
    • Clean up Notifications based on Statistics Data Retention settings.
    • Consolidate multiple device firmware update notifications into one.
    • Check device status more frequently during active admin sessions.
    • Provide client usage over the last 24 hours in the endpoint.
    • Implement UniFi Device Client property panel.
    • Rename field translation for UniFi Device property panel.


    • Add missing profile radius toast messages.
    • Add missing UniFi clients in the clients page.
    • Add missing device statuses to device filters.
    • Add missing translation for USG Secondary Internet form.
    • Add migration to update invalid hostname from UniFi OS.
    • Fix issue where Peak Upload / Download Usage was reversed in Internet Settings.
    • Fix device Isolation feature not working on UDM-Pro-SE consoles.
    • Fix Backup is not respecting retention settings for Notifications and DPI statistics.
    • Fix network selection modal during U-LTE-Pro adoption process.
    • Fix adoption issues for U-LTE devices.
    • Fix issue where user could see "Trouble Page" when going to WiFi AI.
    • Fix unable to remove an administrator from sites on self-hosted applications.
    • Fix issue when USP-Plug physical toggle couldn’t be switched.
    • Fix issue where device uptime was incorrect.
    • Fix client count not reflected correctly on the dashboard.
    • Fix backup import from SD card on Cloud Key G2 Plus console.
    • Fix cyclical device disconnecting/reconnecting.
    • Fix devices with special states are not shown on the device page.
    • Fix sorting issues in various locations.
    • Fix device identification information not updated.
    • Fix configuration error when static WAN does not specify router address.
    • Fix WiFi experience feedback form cannot be submitted without comment.
    • Fix graph missing when opening ISP panel.
    • Fix timeout delay when deleting objects from the remote access portal.
    • Fix restoring from backup.
    • Fix MAC ID Filter list crashing.
    • Fix topology property panel crash.
    • Fix Display ISP name instead of the port name.
    • Fix “Copy Configuration” options.
    • Fix AP Groups Validation.
    • Fix USG speed test not working.
    • Fix newly adopted switches not having default night mode configuration.
    • Fix issue with duplicated VPN clients.
    • Fix Uplink Monitor Type selection indicator.
    • Fix Device Firmware Schedule list.
    • Fix typos in Settings.
    • Fix dashboard ISP text and clients table styling issues.
    • Fix styling for device manage section.
    • Fix download logs not working on self-installed Applications.
    • Fix logging to Ubiquiti Account in Settings.
    • Fix dropdown labels in Firewall Rules form.
    • Fix page crash in Threat Management when selecting specific dates.
    • Fix scrolling for scrollable tables.
    • Fix Display Option "Restore Default" functionality.
    • Fix WiFi Band validation if some Devices have reached the SSID limit.
    • Fix WAN form validation - Router field is required for Static connection.
    • Fix false-positive WAN failover notifications.
    • Fix which ethernet port is being advertised in UDM discovery.
    • Fix showing offline devices as wireless on Topology.
    • Fix page crash when opening WiFiman results.
    • Fix WiFi Scan table SSID's.
    • Fix navigation issue from device ports overview.
    • Fix text overflowing in topology.
    • Fix issue where WAN1's IP was used instead of active WAN.
    • Fix DHCP AutoScale feature on UXG.
    • Fix MAC Authorization form.
    • Fix DNS resolution not working on LTE failover with Content Filtering enabled
    • Fix missing IPS/VPN translations.
    • Fix the product line URL in the property panel.
    • Fix background color for UniFi Device Application link.
    • Fix style for Client page display options, list only APs for device options.
    • Remove disabled property from Fast Roaming toggle in WiFi settings.
    • Log only new connections in Port Forward firewall rules.
    • Disable logging in the default WAN_OUT firewall rules.
    • Show correct version in device identification.
    • Omit LTE IP from IP/subnet check in the network form.
    • Dashboard side panel styling updates.
    • No blocked_sta provisioned for low-resource models.
    • Email notification does not have Adopt button.
    • Tweak USW-Flex topology image.
    • Client property panel styling fixes.
    • Correct AP list for link aggregation.
    • Create correct links for the port edit form.
    • Show correct client status in grid view.
    • Show only relevant fields for the USG dashboard.
    • Show correct traffic amount in the dashboard for USG.
    • Sync client icons for Table and Property Panel.
    • Truncate actionable text that exceeds 30 characters.
    • Do not display negative uptime.
    • Update time format when changing 24/12h setting.
    • Update Table headers to correctly display GHz.
    • Use preferred time zone for AP Client history.
    • Prevent dashboard WAN tabs stretching.
    • Prevent Remote Access from being enabled on 32-bit systems where it is unsupported.
    • Load UniFi translations in Topology.
    • Clean up obsolete unsupported devices toast message.
    • Remove debug terminal & jumbo frames/flow control from UDM.

    Additional information

    (Recommended) - Create an up-to-date backup before upgrading your UniFi Network Application settings in the event any issues are encountered.

    • Existing UniFi Network Applications must be on one of the following versions in order to upgrade directly to this version:

    UniFi Network Application updates may cause your adopted devices to reprovision.An updated/current version of Java 8 must be installed on the system hosting the UniFi Network Application. Java 9 and later are not yet supported.As of UniFi Network Application version 5.9, if using Cloud Access, the host system/device requires outbound 8883/tcp to be open/unrestricted. Find up-to-date port requirements here.Minimum supported device firmware for U6-Series devices is 5.29.0, UAP/USW is 4.0.9, and for USG it's 4.4.34.If you have any 'service dns forwarding options' configuration defined in config.gateway.json, it will overwrite the provisioning of statically defined name servers, leaving you with no DNS. Either remove the 'service dns forwarding options' portion of config.gateway.json, or add additional 'options' lines defining name servers, such as 'server=', 'server=', etc.

    Microsoft Windows specific

    • Users running 64-bit Windows should only have 64-bit Java installed. If you have 32-bit Java installed then we recommend uninstalling it.

    macOS Specific

    • We stopped bundling Java as of UniFi Network 5.11.47. If you're installing that release or later please make sure you have manually installed a current release of Java 8 beforehand. Only the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is required.
    • Oracle JRE 8 offers the simplest path as it will simply "just work" without requiring any changes. We may investigate alternative JVMs and update this message accordingly.

    Debian/Ubuntu specific

    • For Debian/Ubuntu users installing via our repo, please update your APT source (see HERE).
    • We support MongoDB 3.6 since 5.13.10, older UniFi Network Application versions only support up to MongoDB 3.4.


    24d5309d57fe28999cc6a73697e425bb *UniFi-installer.exe
    298fa5d68fa40256e66ec5f036309284 *UniFi.pkg
    bc97b83432f56d710acee6968ad85275 *unifi_sysvinit_all.deb
    601df32736f41e40a80a3e472450a3e1 *unifi_sh_api

    UniFi Protect Application 1.19.1


    To upgrade to this version of UniFi Protect, you will need one of the following firmware versions (or newer):

    • UDM-Pro 1.10.0
    • UDM-Pro-SE 2.2.4
    • UNVR / UNVR PRO 1.4.9
    • UCK-G2-PLUS 2.1.11


    • Floodlight: Improve the user experience via shortening the response time when changing light settings.
    • Web UI: Add recommendation to use optimal HDD. (applies to UNVR, UNVR-Pro, UDM-Pro, UDM-SE (UDM-Pro-SE) and is visible for console owner accounts)


    • Floodlight: Fix the issue where factory reset might fail.
    • Web UI: Fix issue where snapshots in events have corrupted file names.
    • Web UI: Fix playback controls in timelapse full screen.
    • Web UI: Fix thumbnail size in dashboard graph tooltip.
    • Web UI: Fix issue where some pages would break if the user did not set a timezone.
    • Web UI: Improve taking snapshots.
    • Minor copy adjustments.
    • Fix rare application crash.

    Additional information

    If you experience any issues with this release, please reach out to our support team at

    Eigentlich wollte ich mir einen zusätzlichen 24er Pro PoE zulegen, da aber meine Finanzministerin mir das Budget für einen 48er Pro PoE erteilt, ( genehmigt, zugeteilt, erlaubt ) hat, konnte ich natürlich nicht nein sagen.

    Zum Glück kann ich einfach machen :grinning_squinting_face:
    Klar ist sie Chefin zu Hause was sonst vieles angeht :grinning_squinting_face: aber bei einigen Dingen nene :grinning_squinting_face:

    So etwas wie Protect, Access gibt es im Omada nicht, war aber auch nicht geplant, wenn das alles unter einer Oberfläche haben willst, dann ist das Omada System nix für dich lycra

    Ich stelle jetzt auch nicht mehr um :grinning_squinting_face: hab ja grade erst alles eingerichtet auf Unifi.

    Wenn umstellen, dann auf Lancom :grinning_squinting_face:

    einfacher , leichter, schlanker...rein für Accesspoints schickts
    Die GUI sieht Altbackener aus ...tut was sie soll ,kein überflüssiger Plunder

    Und warum nutzt du dann unifi undnicht das?! :grinning_squinting_face:

    Mhh ok vorher denn ausmachen? kann man eigentlcih ausmachen?! weiß ich gar nicht :grinning_squinting_face:

    normales Controller Neustarten hatte ich schon mal gemacht, das hatte nichts gebracht.
    Ich probiere es heute abend mal.

    Müsste ja sowieso noch den 24er PoE Pro mit dem 48er PoE Pro austauschen... noch keine Zeit gehabt...