UDM SE / UDM PRO mit IPv6 PPPoE möglich?

Es gibt 12 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 7.197 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag () ist von 9ck.

  • Dear forum

    I am sorry for the intrusion but I hope you are willing to help although my German is poor.

    o o 0 o o

    > Translated using DeepL <

    Ich bin dabei, für meinen Freund in Flensburg ein UDM SE einzurichten. Die Stadtwerke haben ein Modem und eine Fritz!Box als Router zur Verfügung gestellt. Mein Plan war es, die UDM SE als Router zu nutzen und die Fritz!Box komplett wegzulassen.

    Laut Stadtwerke Support brauche ich eine IPv6 PPPoE Verbindung mit einer IPv4 "Anbindung" über DS-lite. In der GUI der UDM SE gibt es aber keine IPv6 PPPoE Option. Hat jemand erfolgreich eine UDM SE über eine IPv6 PPPoE-Verbindung verbunden oder verschwende ich meine Zeit mit dem Versuch, dies zum Laufen zu bringen?

    Ich habe natürlich auch beim Unifi Support und im internationalen Forum nachgefragt, aber ich vermute, dass die User in diesem Forum spezifischeres Wissen über die deutschen Provider und Herausforderungen haben.

    UDM SE-Firmware-Version: 2.3.15

    ISP: Stadtwerke Flensburg / Glasfaser - FTTH

    ISP Modem: Genexis FiberTwist P2420

    Prefix Delegation Size ist auf 56 eingestellt und VLAN ist nicht in Gebrauch (laut ISP Support).

    o o 0 o o

    > English version <

    I am setting up a UDM SE for my friend in Flensburg. Stadtwerke has provided a modem and a Fritz!Box as router. My plan was to use the UDM SE as a router and drop the Fritz!Box completely.

    According to Stadtwerke Support I need at IPv6 PPPoE connection with a IPv4 “anbindung” over DS-lite. But there is no IPv6 PPPoE option in the GUI of the UDM SE. Has anyone successfully connected a UDM SE over a IPv6 PPPoE connection or am I wasting my time trying to get this to work?

    I am of course also asking Unifi Support and on the international forum, but I guess users on this forum has more specific knowledge about the German providers and challenges.

    UDM SE firmware version: 2.3.15

    ISP: Stadtwerke Flensburg / Glasfaser - FTTH

    ISP Modem: Genexis FiberTwist P2420

    Prefix Delegation Size is set to 56 and VLAN isn’t in use (according to ISP support).

  • Hi,

    my ISP is SWN - Stadtwerke Neumünster (FTTH). I have a Dual Stack (IPv4 and IPv6) connection, not a DS-Lite.

    Dual Stack works as expected with a UDM-SE.

    I had to configure a PPPoE connection. After that IPv4 worked as expected. For IPv6 I had to configure DHCPv6 and a prefix delegation size of 56 at my internet connection (WAN).

    The last step was to configure IPv6 for every network (VLAN) as described here in the chapter „UDM DHCPv6-PD“ (start at step 4):

    UniFi - UDM/USG: Configuring DHCPv6-PD and Static IPv6 Addressing
    Overview Readers will learn how to configure DHCPv6-PD or static IPv6 addresses on the UDM and USG models. NOTES & REQUIREMENTS: Applicable to the…

    That was everything I had to do with the UDM-SE. Maybe Stadtwerke Flensburg is also capable of Dual Stack. Please ask them.

    Regards Hoppel

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von hoppel118 ()

  • Thank you Hoppel

    My friend will ask about the possibility of dual stack tomorrow. They (Stadtwerke) also mentioned the option to get an IPv4 address for a small monthly fee, which would be a solid solution.

    Yesterday I systematically tried all 12 combinations of

    1. prefix set to 56,62 or 64
    2. DNS servers specified IPv6 address as in FritzBox and no specified DNS server
    3. Global Threat management ON and OFF. But no luck / ip address…

    Advanced IPv6 settings were set according to Unifi’s guide that you are referring to.

    Regards 9ck

  • Hi again,

    I see the following in my environment. May be this helps you to analyze your setup:

    Go to the command line (ssh) of your friends udm-se:

    ip address

    Now you see the output for all interfaces of the udm-se:

    • I show you an extract of the in my opinion relevant information
    • Every VLAN has it's own bridge (br) Interface with it's own IPv4 and IPv6 addresses/subnets

    br0: Management LAN (native VLAN, ID: 1 or no VLAN ID)

    • IPv4:
    • IPv6: 2a03:x:x:100::1/64

    14: br0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000
        link/ether d2:21:f9:x:x:x brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
        inet scope global br0
           valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
        inet6 2a03:x:x:100::1/64 scope global dynamic 
           valid_lft 290133sec preferred_lft 290133sec
        inet6 fe80::x:x:x:x/64 scope link 
           valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

    br11: Main VLAN (ID: 11)

    • IPv4:
    • IPv6: 2a03:x:x:101::1/64

    br11: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000
        link/ether d0:21:f9:x:x:x brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
        inet scope global br12
           valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
        inet6 2a03:x:x:101::1/64 scope global dynamic 
           valid_lft 290133sec preferred_lft 290133sec
        inet6 fe80::x:x:x:x/64 scope link 
           valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

    ppp0: PPPoE connection

    • 89.x.x.x = my wan IPv4 address
    • there is no valid wan IPv6 address, only fe80::x:x:x:x/10

    50: ppp0: <POINTOPOINT,MULTICAST,NOARP,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1492 qdisc pfifo_fast state UNKNOWN group default qlen 3
        inet 89.x.x.x peer 185.x.x.x/32 scope global ppp0
           valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
        inet6 fe80::x:x:x:x/10 scope link 
           valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

    I don't know if it is correct to not have an IPv6 address at the ppp0 interface, but IPv6 works in every vlan I defined it. Maybe anybody else can say something about it.

    Shouldn't I see the DUAL Stack IPv6 address at the ppp0 interface?

    Here you see the ping results from my udm-se to google IPv6 dns servers:

    A good check to verify, if IPv6 works as expected is "ipv6-test.com":

    IPv6 test - IPv6/4 connectivity and speed test

    Here I show you the result of my MacBook in my Main VLAN (11):

    Keep us updated, please.

    Regards Hoppel

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von hoppel118 ()

  • Thanks Hoppel

    I'm in touch with Unifi Support Team and have provided them a link to this thread. My friend will get in touch with Stadtwerke today and ask about the possibility have a dual stack connection. I'll report back.

  • We got my friend’s UDM-SE up and running yesterday. He asked the Stadtwerke to change the type of connection - either to a Dual Stack or a plain IPv4. I’m not sure which type of connection / it’s not clear to me when he refers to the conversation he has had with Stadtwerke. There were no issues whatsoever connecting to the WAN after the type of connection was changed (actually I guided him over the phone). I’ve tried to set to IPv6 as described but I don’t know how to check from off site. My friend has been very busy - so we’ll have a look at IPv6 later if he got a Dual Stack. I’ll let you know.

    Thank you again Hoppel.

  • We got my friend’s UDM-SE up and running yesterday. He asked the Stadtwerke to change the type of connection - either to a Dual Stack or a plain IPv4. I’m not sure which type of connection / it’s not clear to me when he refers to the conversation he has had with Stadtwerke. There were no issues whatsoever connecting to the WAN after the type of connection was changed (actually I guided him over the phone). I’ve tried to set to IPv6 as described but I don’t know how to check from off site. My friend has been very busy - so we’ll have a look at IPv6 later if he got a Dual Stack. I’ll let you know.

    Thank you again Hoppel.

    Hey 9ck. I am also at Stadtwerke Flensburg and I am looking to enable a connection with my UDM-Pro. Could I ask you to organize a screenshot of the settings for me? If I configure ipv4, provide login data for pppoe and dissable ivp6, the UDM cant connect. Fritzbox connects with the same settings.

    Also, I confirm that Stadtwerke will provide for 10€ single payment and 1.5€ per month a dynamic ipv4 address.

  • Da 9ck nicht mehr sehr aktiv ist: hat jemand sonst eine Idee wie die Einrichtung hier aussehen soll?

    Weitere Infos:

    • Ich habe bei dem ISP die ipv4 bestellt
    • Im Fritzbox kann ich ipv6 komplet deaktivieren
    • Fritzbox baut mit den Zugangsdaten eine Verbindung ohne Probleme auf
    • Wenn ich nun den Kabel auf das WAN Port des UDPs setzte, und unter "Internet" PPPOE mit den Zugangsdaten konfiguriere, kann ich mich nicht verbinden.
    • Ich habe sowohl mit ipv6 als auch mit ipv4 versucht, mit auto DNS oder min manuell, keine Kombi funktioniert. Ich stell dabei ipv4 auf PPPOE und trage die Zugangsdaten ein. Es funktioniert nicht.

    Hat jemand eine Idee?

  • Hi scope

    First of all You would need the IPv4 connection from Stadtwerke (I’ve never investigated whether this was a Dual Stack og plain IPv4 connection - but the price you mention indicate that it's the same sollution).

    In the setup I’ve made for my friend we didn’t need / want the FritzBox at all (it has been returned to Stadtwerke I believe). You might need the FritzBox if you’re using it for telephone, TV and other services??? - found some posts about this. In this case I can’t help - You would need to setup the FritzBox as a bridge I belive.

    Once You have the IPv4 connection the process should be very straight forward. Best option would probably be to reset your UDM Pro and follow the guided setup. As far as I recall this is how I approached the setup process.

    Screenshot from the tab “Internet”. I left the IPv6 active because I wasn’t sure about the Dual Stack or not, and I haven’t had the time / opportunity to figure it out. Username and Password is the same as you use on your FritzBox. The "Expected ISP Speeds are from the guided setup but as far as I know you can manually enter them (should be acording to your ISP connection).

    In the tab “Networks” I also left the IPv6 configuration - but again, I'm not sure IPv6 is working :-).

    Hope this helps.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von 9ck ()

  • Hey!
    Thanks a lot for the screenshots.

    For clarification, when you activate via phone support ipv4, you get dual stack from this point you can either only use ipv4 or ipv6 and ipv4 at the same time.

    I checked my configuration and compared to yours, I could not find any mistakes. So after some frustration, I decided to call technical support and asked them to check my password. The password was fine, but check this sh**:

    They did not print the user name correctly on the paper "swfl-it" should be at the end.... Anyhow, now everything is working.