Final UniFi Network Application 8.x.x

Es gibt 62 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 14.885 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag () ist von Bigdog71.

  • Die A gingen ja vorher auch, beim Client konnte man einen DNS Namen eingeben und diese wurden nun in den DNS Records übernommen.

    Bin mir nur nicht sicher ob die vorherige Variante nur für das jeweilige VLAN galt und diese Variante Netzwerk intern global?

  • Bei den DNS Records: was macht man mit MX, TXT und Srv einträgen oder besser was bewirken sie?

    MX = MaileXchangeMailserver, genauer SMTP. Mus immer ein Domain Name sein, kein IP.

    SRV = SRV (Service) Resource Records, bestes Beispiel: Telekom SIP ist im einem SRV hinterlegt.

    (weil das auch genau gedacht ist.)

    dig +short srv
    10 0 5060
    20 0 5060
    30 0 5060

    Und schon weis ich die Adressen der VoipServer, den Port, Prio und Gewichtung der einzelnen Server.

    (hier Prio 10, 20, 30 alle mit der gleichen Gewichtung). Wird bei SIP VIEL verwendet auch im

    Internen Netz damit das Telefon mehr oder minder seine callserver findet oder den Backup Server.

    SRV record finden aber auch bei Chat server (XMMP) im LDAP und dergleichen.

    (Microsoft im AD auch recht viel)

    TXT = Text record... nebeninfomationen aller Art.

    Von "wer das liest is Doof" bis zu

    DKIM Zertifikate, SPF und andere Spam vermeidungsdinge Dinge die mann

    benötigt damit man noch mails an Google und co los wird oder bekommt.

    Google (als Beispiels gibt ja noch mehr)

    will da einen Key sehen wenn du die Webmaster Statistiken tools machen willst.

    Quasi als beweis das du die Kontrolle über die Domains hast.

  • Die A gingen ja vorher auch, beim Client konnte man einen DNS Namen eingeben und diese wurden nun in den DNS Records übernommen.

    Bin mir nur nicht sicher ob die vorherige Variante nur für das jeweilige VLAN galt und diese Variante Netzwerk intern global?

    Aber halt nur für ein Bekannten Client und nicht für einen Beliebigen Namen..

    War / ist aber global wenn korrekt eingetragen.

  • Guten Morgen,

    seit heute wurde mir die Version 8.3.32 vorgeschlagen.

    1. Feststellung, die Topologie funktioniert nun wieder :smiling_face:

    1x FB 7590, Dream Machine SE, USW-Pro-Max 16 Poe, USW-Flex-Mini, UAP-AP-IW, UAP-AC-M, 2x U7-Pro, 2x NanoStation M5, NanoBeam AC, LiteBeam AC, Synology 918+

  • Könnte es sein das du auf RC Kandidat stehst?

    Sonntags morgens gibt es eigentlich keine Final und auf der offiziellen HP gibt es auch keine Änderung.

    Die Final Network wurde in letzter Zeit immer Montag/Dienstag ab Mittag veröffentlicht.......naja vielleicht hat auch einer sonntags Langeweile.

  • Ich rechne Anfang der Woche mit der Final. Im RC Post, des UI Forum, gibt es keine größere Probleme.

  • und nun ist sie da :thumbs_up:

    UniFi Network Application 8.3.32


    UniFi Network Application 8.3.32 adds support for custom Network Address Translation rules on UniFi Gateways.


    • Added support for custom Network Address Translation rules on UniFi Gateways*
    • Source and Destination NAT - Specific translation between one or more IP addresses.
    • Masquerade NAT - Translate to the main (primary) IP address associated with an interface.
    • Added Global NAT Settings to disable NAT on all or specific networks.
    • Added the ability to quickly allow domains that are blocked by Ad Blocking through the Inspection side panel.
    • Added the ability to configure more 6GHz channels on Gen7 APs.
    • Added user feedback in the AP side panel if the AP is 6GHz capable but doesn't have 6GHz WiFi networks.
    • Added support for WAN statistics in Port Insights.
    • Improved validation for Traffic Rules.
    • Improved the user experience when using the Inspection page.
    • Added ability to download Inspection Logs. Currently only available through the local web UI, support for downloading via Site Manager will come in a future release.
    • Improved the user experience when using the Traffic Statistics page.
    • Improved network filtering on the Clients page.
    • Improved backup restore process.
    • Renamed Suspicious Activity to Intrusion Prevention.

    *One-to-one translation of IP addresses between subnets (NETMAP) requires a UniFi (Cloud) Gateway with version 4.0.6 or newer. Currently, it does not support PPPoE interface selection.


    • Fixed the inability to remove sites on Multi-Site setups in rare cases.
    • Fixed an issue where WireGuard users were not removed when deleting the VPN server.
    • Fixed an issue where an invalid meshing configuration could be provisioned to Access Points.
    • Fixed an issue where Simple Firewall Rules could be created on setups with a USG.
    • Fixed an issue where DNS Records were not working when Content Filtering was enabled.
    • Fixed the inability to save IPv6 Internet Settings in rare cases.

    Additional information

    • Create a backup before upgrading your UniFi Network Application in the event any issues are encountered.
    • See the UniFi Network Server Help Center article for more information on self-hosting a server.
    • UniFi Network Application 7.5 and newer requires MongoDB 3.6 and Java 17.
    • Version 7.5 till 8.0 supports up to MongoDB 4.4.
    • Version 8.1 and newer supports up to MongoDB 7.0.
    • UniFi Network Application updates may cause your adopted devices to be re-provisioned.
    • Existing UniFi Network Applications must be on one of the following versions to upgrade directly to this version:

    UniFi Network Native Application for UniFi OS

    A specific application version that is only compatible with the UDM, UDR, Express and UCG-Ultra (running UniFi OS 3.1.6 or newer).

    • The UniFi OS update uses the application version that is required for your console.
    • The manual update process via SSH requires you to use the compatible package. Incompatible packages will be rejected on installation.
    • Older UniFi OS versions (before UniFi OS 3.1.6) on the UDM and UDR still use regular UniFi Network Application for UniFi OS.

    Download links

    UniFi Network Application for Windows

    UniFi Network Application for macOS

    UniFi Network Application for Debian/Ubuntu

    UniFi Network Application for UniFi OS

    UniFi Network Native Application for UniFi OS

    UniFi Network Application for unsupported Unix/Linux distros *** DIY / Completely unsupported ***

    unifi_sh_api (shell library

  • UniFi Network Application 8.4.59


    UniFi Network Application 8.4.59 adds support for Passpoint / Hotspot 2.0, Packet Capture, AP Analyzer for Access Points, Pro AV Support and Advanced IGMP Snooping support for Switching.

    Passpoint/Hotspot 2.0

    Simplify public WiFi by enabling seamless, secure connections for guest devices across multiple venues without guest portals or complex connection processes.

    • Requires firmware version 7.0.63/6.6.75/6.6.76 or newer.
    • See the Passpoint Help Center article for more information.

    Packet Capture

    Capture packets on Access Points and directly download the capture file.

    • Capture on radios or on the uplink port.

    Requires AP firmware version 7.0.63/6.7.1 or newer

    Supported models: U7-Pro, U7-Pro-Max, U7-Pro-Wall, U7-Outdoor, U6-Pro, U6-IW, U6-Enterprise, U6-Extender, U6-Enterprise-IW,

    U6-Mesh, U6-Mesh-Pro, U6-Lite, U6-LR, U6+.

    Support for capturing on Gateways and Switches will be added in future releases.

    AP Analyzer

    Gives full insights into Access Point performance and usage analytics.

    Pro AV

    Automatically optimizes traffic for specific audio and video environments by matching and prioritizing latency sensitive traffic.

    • Configure Pro AV on individual ports using the Port Manager and select the option that matches your setup.

    Requires firmware version 7.1 or newer on your UniFi Switch.

    Supported models: USW-Pro-24/48-PoE; USW-Pro-24/48; USW-Pro-Aggregation; USW EnterpriseXG-24; USW-Enterprise-24/48-PoE; USW-Pro-Max-16/24/48-PoE; USW-Pro-Max-16/24/48

    See the Pro AV Help Center article for more information.

    Advanced IGMP Snooping

    Expands the available IGMP Snooping options to incorporate AV setups.

    • Configure Fast Leave on individual VLANs.
    • Specify the querier switch and IP address for specific VLANs.
    • Forward or drop unknown multicast traffic.
    • Define multicast router ports using the Port Manager.

    Required USW firmware version 7.1.14 or newer.


    • Allow renaming the default network.
    • Allow editing host address and netmask when Auto-scale is enabled in network settings.
    • Added option to download Inspection logs when connected remotely via Site Manager.

    Except for sites using NeXT AI Inspection. Support coming in future versions.

    • Added support for showing IPv6 addresses for UniFi Devices.

    Requires AP firmware version 7.0.63 or newer.

    Requires USW firmware version 7.1.14 or newer.

    • Added touchscreen rotation settings to switches.

    Required USW firmware version 7.1.14 or newer.

    • Added Channelization to the WiFi Settings.

    Review and control channels included in Channel Optimization.

    Schedule nightly optimization.

    • Added all clients tab to the Clients page, only visible for smaller deployments.

    Below 2000 Online clients and 10000 Offline clients.

    • Added QoS option on UniFi Switch ports to match on specific traffic and assign it to a queue.

    Requires firmware version 7.1 or newer on your UniFi Switch.

    Supported models: USW-Pro-24/48-PoE; USW-Pro-24/48; USW-Pro-Aggregation; USW EnterpriseXG-24; USW-Enterprise-24/48-PoE; USW-Pro-Max-16/24/48-PoE; USW-Pro-Max-16/24/48

    • Added alphabetical sorting for most of the dropdown selections.
    • Added Native VLAN column to Port Manager.
    • Added warnings to the AP side panel when powered by an insufficient power source.
    • Added Top Client column to Traffic Statistics.
    • Added IP address to Admin Activity logs, requires UniFi OS 4.1 for showing in Remote connection sessions.
    • Added ability to specify NAS ID in WiFi Settings.
    • Added custom server option for DNS Shield.

    Requires a UniFi (Cloud) Gateway with firmware version 4.0 or newer.

    • Improved validation for SNMP settings.
    • Improved network auto-scale.

    Start scaling when 90% of the addresses from the pool are used.

    • Improved default sorting in the Clients page.

    Clients are now sorted by name instead of vendor.

    • Improved application performance on large setups.
    • Improved loading for the Topology page.
    • Improved application resiliency.
    • Reduced the mDNS network limit for the UniFi Express to a maximum of 2 networks.
    • Updated list of supported File types in the NeXT AI Inspection.
    • Updated WiFi password requirements for Brazil.

    This is a change required due to a new ANATEL legislation.

    This change only takes affects on gateways with built-in WiFi.


    • Fixed the inability to pause/resume 6GHz WiFi networks.
    • Fixed the inability to sort on Download/Upload columns on the Client page.
    • Fixed an issue where the Last Seen date was not shown for some offline UniFi Devices.
    • Fixed an issue where invalid maximum 6GHz WiFi speed limits were applied to AP's.
    • Fixed incorrect Policy Based Site-to-Site VPN status reporting in rare cases.
    • Fixed an issue where VLAN settings from profiles were incorrectly applied on LAN ports on UniFi Gateways and Enterprise Fortress Gateways.
    • Fixed an issue where deleting a site also removes admins from all other sites in rare cases.
    • Fixed an issue where auto backups were failing on setups that were set up with UniFi Network 8.2 or newer.

    Additional information

    • Create a backup before upgrading your UniFi Network Application in the event any issues are encountered.
    • See the UniFi Network Server Help Center article for more information on self-hosting a server.
    • UniFi Network Application 7.5 and newer requires MongoDB 3.6 and Java 17.
    • Version 7.5 till 8.0 supports up to MongoDB 4.4.
    • Version 8.1 and newer supports up to MongoDB 7.0.
    • UniFi Network Application updates may cause your adopted devices to be re-provisioned.
    • Existing UniFi Network Applications must be on one of the following versions to upgrade directly to this version:

    Download links

    UniFi Network Application for Windows

    UniFi Network Application for macOS

    UniFi Network Application for Debian/Ubuntu

    UniFi Network Application for UniFi OS

    UniFi Network Native Application for UniFi OS

    UniFi Network Application for unsupported Unix/Linux distros *** DIY / Completely unsupported ***

    unifi_sh_api (shell library)

  • Auf 10 UDMs aktualisiert ... keine Problem.

    Nur kurzer Schreck weil ich bei einer Site 4 LAN Ports aktivieren wollte und mir das prompt mit "Nöö, will ich nicht ändern" quittiert wurde. Mal wieder son 802.1X Controll bug... war gar nicht aktiviert, aber ich musste es auf dem Switch anschalten und das leer Fallback LAN mal eben einstellen. Dann Controll wieder aus und die Ports liessen sich aktivieren.

  • UniFi Network Application 8.4.62


    UniFi Network Application 8.4.62 includes the improvement and bugfixes listed below.


    • Improved custom DNS Shield server validation.


    • Fixed the inability to update settings after upgrading to 8.4.59 on setups that have IGMP Proxy settings but don't have a gateway that supports IGMP Proxy.
    • Fixed gateway configuration issues when assigning a Port Profile with disabled ports to UniFi Gateways.
    • Fixed an issue where System Logs could show incomplete navigation tabs on smaller screens.
    • Fixed an issue where devices wouldn't always show the Getting Ready state while it's in such state.
    • Fixed the inability to delete VLANs from VLAN Magic in rare cases.
    • Fixed the inability to open the NAT settings in rare cases.

    Additional information

    • Create a backup before upgrading your UniFi Network Application in the event any issues are encountered.
    • See the UniFi Network Server Help Center article for more information on self-hosting a server.
    • UniFi Network Application 7.5 and newer requires MongoDB 3.6 and Java 17.
    • Version 7.5 till 8.0 supports up to MongoDB 4.4.
    • Version 8.1 and newer supports up to MongoDB 7.0.
    • UniFi Network Application updates may cause your adopted devices to be re-provisioned.

    UniFi Network Native Application for UniFi OS

    A specific application version that is only compatible with the UDM, UDR, Express and UCG-Ultra (running UniFi OS 3.1.6 or newer).

    • The UniFi OS update uses the application version that is required for your console.
    • The manual update process via SSH requires you to use the compatible package. Incompatible packages will be rejected on installation.
    • Older UniFi OS versions (before UniFi OS 3.1.6) on the UDM and UDR still use regular UniFi Network Application for UniFi OS.

    Download links

    UniFi Network Application for Windows

    UniFi Network Application for macOS

    UniFi Network Application for Debian/Ubuntu

    UniFi Network Application for UniFi OS

    UniFi Network Native Application for UniFi OS

    UniFi Network Application for unsupported Unix/Linux distros *** DIY / Completely unsupported ***

    unifi_sh_api (shell library)

  • UniFi Network Application 8.5.6


    UniFi Network Application 8.5.6 adds support for support for NetFlow and Packet Capture on Gateways, and an improved Dashboard user experience including customizable widgets.

    Improved Dashboard

    Improved the Dashboard experience to provide immediate insight into critical issues, as well as allowing widgets and time ranges to be customized.

    • Customize the Dashboard and widgets to focus on the information that is important for you.
    • Widgets include Active Channels, AP Radio Overview and Deployment Density and Most Active APs, Clients and Apps.

    More widgets will be added in future releases.


    Allows capturing and exporting traffic information to a collector.

    • Versions 10, 9 and 5 are supported.
    • Customize the collector address, port and rates.
    • Requires a UniFi (Cloud) Gateway firmware version 4.1 or newer.

    NetFlow is not supported on the UniFi Express and UXG-Lite models.

    SIEM Activity Logging

    Export all or specific System Logs shown on the Network Application to SIEM Servers (remote Syslog) such as Splunk, Microsoft Sentinel, IBM QRadar, and others.

    Packet Capture

    Capture packets on Gateways and directly download the capture file.

    • Capture on specific networks and for a specified duration.
    • Requires a UniFi (Cloud) Gateway firmware version 4.1 or newer.

    Packet Capture is not supported on the UniFi Express and UXG-Lite models.


    • Added support for IPsec and OpenVPN Site-to-Site VPNs to Policy Based Routing.
    • IPsec requires UniFi (Cloud) Gateway firmware version 4.1 or newer.
    • Added SNMP location and contact in the Gateway side panels.
    • Added support for configuring multiple CA certificates for RADIUS TLS Profiles.
    • Added System Logs for Ports that are dropping large amounts of traffic.
    • Added support for WPA2/WPA3 Enterprise mode in the WiFi Settings.
    • Added Egress Rate limit option to UniFi (Cloud) Gateways.
    • Added support for adjusting WAN DNS verification (internet reachability monitor) in the Gateway side panel.
    • Added Integrations section in System Settings.
    • Added a Stats section for AP Analyzer.
    • Review different performance metrics over time - CPU, Memory, Channel Utilization, TX Retries, and more.
    • Added the ability to expand the 2.4GHz channel list.
    • Added ability to view the RADIUS Secret.
    • Added AP status in Broadcasting APs list in the WiFi settings.
    • Added recommendation to disable Ping Conflict Detection for large networks.
    • Added neighbors table to the OSPF section.
    • Requires UniFi (Cloud) Gateway firmware version 4.0 or newer.
    • Improved the Dashboard user experience.
    • Improved the AP Analyzer Stats section.
    • Improved validation for SNMP settings.
    • Allow APs that are adopted to an Express to have more than 3 SSIDs.
    • Allow configuring the NAS ID field when RADIUS MAC is enabled in the WiFi settings.
    • Improved Site Magic VPN validation.
    • Improved remote connections for Network Servers.
    • Improved PassPoint settings user experience.
    • Improved Channel List settings to prevent blocking all channels in each WiFi band.
    • Moved device update settings to Advanced Settings when Control Plane integration is available.
    • Renamed the "Inspection" section to "Flows".
    • Renamed NeXT AI to Critical in System Logs.
    • Updated the left navigation bar.


    • Fixed an issue where some channels were not properly marked as DFS.
    • Fixed an issue where VLAN Magic was not available on EFGs.
    • Fixed an issue where Masquerade/SNAT/DNAT rules weren't working on EFG, Express, UXG-Lite, and UXG-Pro Gateways.
    • Fixed an issue where Auto-scale wasn't accounting for conflicts with WAN interfaces.
    • Fixed an issue where the Port Forwarding interface value might not be displayed in rare cases.
    • Fixed an issue where the Client settings may not open in rare cases.
    • Fixed false System Logs regarding duplicated leases for
    • Fixed unexpected provisions for Express devices in rare cases.
    • Fixed an issue where the Topology page could lose the configured Display Options.

    Additional information

    • Create a backup before upgrading your UniFi Network Application in the event any issues are encountered.
    • See the UniFi Network Server Help Center article for more information on self-hosting a server.
    • UniFi Network Application 7.5 and newer requires MongoDB 3.6 and Java 17.
    • Version 7.5 till 8.0 supports up to MongoDB 4.4.
    • Version 8.1 and newer supports up to MongoDB 7.0.
    • UniFi Network Application updates may cause your adopted devices to be re-provisioned.
    • Existing UniFi Network Applications must be on one of the following versions to upgrade directly to this version:

    Download links

    UniFi Network Application for Windows

    UniFi Network Application for macOS

    UniFi Network Application for Debian/Ubuntu

    UniFi Network Application for UniFi OS

    UniFi Network Native Application for UniFi OS

    UniFi Network Application for unsupported Unix/Linux distros *** DIY / Completely unsupported ***

    unifi_sh_api (shell library)

  • Diese Sicht die mir in älteren Versionen des Controllers gefallen hat ist in der Version 8.5.6 (fast) wieder zurück:

    Wenn auch in einer Mini Version:




