UniFi Network Application 7.x.xx

Es gibt 51 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 15.657 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag () ist von jkasten.

  • und nun ist sie offiziell, kleines Changelog bezogen auf die 7.1.xx :winking_face:

    UniFi Network Application 7.2.92


    Ubiquiti - Simplifying IT
    Technology platforms for Internet Access, Enterprise, and SmartHome applications.

    Ubiquiti - Simplifying IT
    Technology platforms for Internet Access, Enterprise, and SmartHome applications.

    Ubiquiti - Simplifying IT
    Technology platforms for Internet Access, Enterprise, and SmartHome applications.


    • Fix issue where WAN networks are missing after adopting UXG Pro.
    • Fix issue where fast-roaming is not working in rare cases.
    • Fix issue where the application can’t be run for the first time after installation on Ubuntu/Debian.
    • Fix performance issues on UXG-Pro.

    Additional information

    (Recommended) - Create an up-to-date backup before upgrading your UniFi Network Application settings in the event any issues are encountered.

    • Existing UniFi Network Applications must be on one of the following versions in order to upgrade directly to this version:

    UniFi Network Application updates may cause your adopted devices to reprovision.An updated/current version of Java 8 must be installed on the system hosting the UniFi Network Application. Java 9 and later are not yet supported.As of UniFi Network Application version 5.9, if using Cloud Access, the host system/device requires outbound 8883/tcp to be open/unrestricted. Find up-to-date port requirements here.Minimum supported device firmware for U6-Series devices is 5.29.0, UAP/USW is 4.0.9, and for USG it's 4.4.34.If you have any 'service dns forwarding options' configuration defined in config.gateway.json, it will overwrite the provisioning of statically defined name servers, leaving you with no DNS. Either remove the 'service dns forwarding options' portion of config.gateway.json, or add additional 'options' lines defining name servers, such as 'server=', 'server=', etc.

    Microsoft Windows specific Users running 64-bit Windows should only have 64-bit Java installed. If you have 32-bit Java installed then we recommend uninstalling it.

    macOS Specific We stopped bundling Java as of UniFi Network 5.11.47. If you're installing that release or later please make sure you have manually installed a current release of Java 8 beforehand. Only the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is required.Oracle JRE 8 offers the simplest path as it will simply "just work" without requiring any changes. We may investigate alternative JVMs and update this message accordingly.

    Debian/Ubuntu specific For Debian/Ubuntu users installing via our repo, please update your APT source (see HERE).We support MongoDB 3.6 since 5.13.10, older UniFi Network Application versions only support up to MongoDB 3.4.


    76d6ef5c7785d32ba1e77bd58212f28f *UniFi-installer.exe@@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@84b4fd0c48d7e8e33cffb715f0421eb6 *UniFi.pkg@@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@3292af9ce0aa89b931d96abe0b3748c1 *UniFi.unix.zip@@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@5c06e68d7399e4611b302e251645fecf *unifi_sysvinit_all.deb@@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@601df32736f41e40a80a3e472450a3e1 *unifi_sh_api@@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@@@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@

    Download links

    UniFi Network Application for Windows

    UniFi Network Application for macOS

    UniFi Network Application for Debian/Ubuntu and UniFi Cloud Key

    UniFi Network Application for unsupported Unix/Linux distros *** DIY / Completely unsupported ***

    unifi_sh_api (shell library)

  • Gute Frage :winking_face: vor allem von der 7.1 auf die 7.2 gab es doch sehr viele Neuerungen, ich würde mal sagen ja.

    Da hier im Büro alle am Arbeiten sind, werde ich erst vor dem ins Bett gehen oder morgen nach dem erwachen durchziehen

  • Bei wurde nichts unterbrochen, lief alles ohne Probleme weiter.

    Vigor 167 - OPNsense- 4x US-8-60W - US-8-150W- US-24-250W - 4 x UAP-AC-PRO- 4 x UAP-AC-M 6 x USW-Flex-Mini - Proxmox-Cluster -TrueNas- Fhem- Homematic und jede Menge anderen Blödsinn der eigentlich nur Strom frisst aber mir freude macht :smiling_face_with_sunglasses:

  • dito --> Update angeklickt im alten 7.1.68 > "Uploading" --> "Launch" anklicken > neues Network 7.2.92 startet.

    Die UDM-Pro ist nicht mal aus dem Nachtmodus-Display aufgewacht, WLAN war ca. für 1 Minute weg:

    Ansonsten läuft mal, Erfahrungsberichte folgen.

  • UniFi Network Application 7.2.94



    • Fix possible dead-end during the adoption of UXG-PRO.
    • Fix issue where nested symbolic links were created for data, logs, and run directories.

    Additional information

    (Recommended) - Create an up-to-date backup before upgrading your UniFi Network Application settings in the event any issues are encountered.

    • Existing UniFi Network Applications must be on one of the following versions in order to upgrade directly to this version:

    UniFi Network Application updates may cause your adopted devices to reprovision.An updated/current version of Java 8 must be installed on the system hosting the UniFi Network Application. Java 9 and later are not yet supported.As of UniFi Network Application version 5.9, if using Cloud Access, the host system/device requires outbound 8883/tcp to be open/unrestricted. Find up-to-date port requirements here.Minimum supported device firmware for U6-Series devices is 5.29.0, UAP/USW is 4.0.9, and for USG it's 4.4.34.If you have any 'service dns forwarding options' configuration defined in config.gateway.json, it will overwrite the provisioning of statically defined name servers, leaving you with no DNS. Either remove the 'service dns forwarding options' portion of config.gateway.json, or add additional 'options' lines defining name servers, such as 'server=', 'server=', etc.

    Microsoft Windows specific Users running 64-bit Windows should only have 64-bit Java installed. If you have 32-bit Java installed then we recommend uninstalling it.

    macOS Specific We stopped bundling Java as of UniFi Network 5.11.47. If you're installing that release or later please make sure you have manually installed a current release of Java 8 beforehand. Only the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is required.Oracle JRE 8 offers the simplest path as it will simply "just work" without requiring any changes. We may investigate alternative JVMs and update this message accordingly.

    Debian/Ubuntu specific For Debian/Ubuntu users installing via our repo, please update your APT source (see HERE).We support MongoDB 3.6 since 5.13.10, older UniFi Network Application versions only support up to MongoDB 3.4.


    1f07beafd498ca2067c0ada22c09b310 *UniFi-installer.exe@@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@fa000379817c03d223589abceca5ec75 *UniFi.pkg@@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@53cbbe3353476b4ff29da611213e19e0 *UniFi.unix.zip@@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@79289dd4f8745f70739d11d05d0b1135 *unifi_sysvinit_all.deb@@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@601df32736f41e40a80a3e472450a3e1 *unifi_sh_api@@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@@@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@

    Download links

    UniFi Network Application for Windows

    UniFi Network Application for macOS

    UniFi Network Application for Debian/Ubuntu and UniFi Cloud Key

    UniFi Network Application for unsupported Unix/Linux distros *** DIY / Completely unsupported ***

    unifi_sh_api (shell library)

  • Nicht in unserer "official" Welt :smiling_face:

    UDM-Pro, FW 1.12.22 ohne Probleme das network Update von alt 7.2.92 auf das jetzt neue und aktuelle 7.2.94 durchgeführt.

    Dauer 5 Minuten, ohne Unterbrechung vom Netzwerk hier.

    Obwohl nach dem Update das Dashboard etwas anderes anzeigt, aber bei mir kam die UDM-Pro nicht mal aus dem "Display-Nachtmodus",

    Wegen Topology kann ich persönlich nichts sagen, die hat bei mir vorher auch schon einwandfrei funktioniert.

  • Die ist EA/Beta. Hier geht es um offizielle Final Controller, möchte oder kann ja nicht jeder Beta Tester sein 😏

  • Ja bisher läuft es und keine Ausfälle, Topologie stimmt auch soweit nur meine 10G Anbindung wird nicht korekt angezeigt von der UDM-Pro zum Aggregation Switch <-- kommt noch :winking_face:

    Umfrage G3 Instant Preisgestaltung

    Umfrage Ubiquiti Setup, Danke

    Umfrage Versandkosten EU-Store

    Mein Heimnetz

  • Kleine Schritte 😏

    UniFi Network Application 7.2.95



    • Update apache commons text to version 1.10.0

    Additional information

    (Recommended) - Create an up-to-date backup before upgrading your UniFi Network Application settings in the event any issues are encountered.

    • Existing UniFi Network Applications must be on one of the following versions in order to upgrade directly to this version:

    UniFi Network Application updates may cause your adopted devices to reprovision.An updated/current version of Java 8 must be installed on the system hosting the UniFi Network Application. Java 9 and later are not yet supported.As of UniFi Network Application version 5.9, if using Cloud Access, the host system/device requires outbound 8883/tcp to be open/unrestricted. Find up-to-date port requirements here.Minimum supported device firmware for U6-Series devices is 5.29.0, UAP/USW is 4.0.9, and for USG it's 4.4.34.If you have any 'service dns forwarding options' configuration defined in config.gateway.json, it will overwrite the provisioning of statically defined name servers, leaving you with no DNS. Either remove the 'service dns forwarding options' portion of config.gateway.json, or add additional 'options' lines defining name servers, such as 'server=', 'server=', etc.

    Microsoft Windows specific Users running 64-bit Windows should only have 64-bit Java installed. If you have 32-bit Java installed then we recommend uninstalling it.

    macOS Specific We stopped bundling Java as of UniFi Network 5.11.47. If you're installing that release or later please make sure you have manually installed a current release of Java 8 beforehand. Only the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is required.Oracle JRE 8 offers the simplest path as it will simply "just work" without requiring any changes. We may investigate alternative JVMs and update this message accordingly.

    Debian/Ubuntu specific For Debian/Ubuntu users installing via our repo, please update your APT source (see HERE).We support MongoDB 3.6 since 5.13.10, older UniFi Network Application versions only support up to MongoDB 3.4.


    72bd01542105a983c4ccc4d4a9ff4530 *UniFi-installer.exe@@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@131aeb3b9f3ca1772d3eb275b1d56d95 *UniFi.pkg@@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@68a8d949a8a19e0a595b3c77735b0f25 *UniFi.unix.zip@@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@cc7468b97e3016a873a32a64489ab799 *unifi_sysvinit_all.deb@@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@601df32736f41e40a80a3e472450a3e1 *unifi_sh_api@@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@@@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@

    Download links

    UniFi Network Application for Windows

    UniFi Network Application for macOS

    UniFi Network Application for Debian/Ubuntu and UniFi Cloud Key

    UniFi Network Application for unsupported Unix/Linux distros *** DIY / Completely unsupported ***

    unifi_sh_api (shell library)